
package com.arcrobotics.ftclib.gamepad

The FTCLib provides enhanced Gamepad features. These classes are essentially extensions of the stock FTC SDK Gamepad features but with easier implementation methods.


Provides enum represenations of the buttons, D-Pad, bumpers, and triggers. Buttons, D-Pad, and bumpers are stored in GamepadKeys.Button and triggers are stored in GamepadKeys.Trigger.


An extension of the stock FTC SDK Gamepad class. Constructed simply from a Gamepad. Provides six intuitive value-getting methods:

  • getButton(): Given a GamepadKeys.Button, this method will check if that Button is pressed, returning a boolean of whether that Button is pressed.

  • getTrigger(): Given a GamepadKeys.Trigger, this method will return the value of the Trigger (0 if unpressed, 1 if fully depressed).

  • getLeftY(): Returns the value of the y-axis of the left joystick

  • getRightY(): Returns the value of the y-axis of the right joystick

  • getLeftX(): Returns the value of the x-axis of the left joystick

  • getRightX(): Returns the value of the x-axis of the right joystick


The KeyReader interface is the base for objects that monitor an individual button or trigger on a gamepad. All Reader classes must implement these functions:

  • readValue(): Reads the current value of the key, true or false. This must be called in a loop in order to use functions that depend on the previous value of the key such as wasJustPressed() , wasJustReleased() , stateJustChanged() , or getState with ToggleButtonReader class.

  • isDown() : Checks if key is currently down. Will return a boolean of whether that key is pressed.

  • wasJustPressed() : Returns boolean whether the key is pressed, but only if it was previously not pressed.

  • wasJustReleased() : Returns boolean indicating whether the key is not pressed, but only if it was previously pressed.

  • stateJustChanged : Returns boolean indicating that the key's value has switched.


The TriggerReader class implements the KeyReader interface. Because GamepadEx Triggers return a double , the TriggerReader class interprets a value of greater than 0.5 as a trigger press.

  • TriggerReader(GamepadEx gamepad, GamepadKeys.Trigger trigger, [String triggerName, Telemetry telemetry]) : Constructs a new Trigger Reader with a GamepadEx gamepad and GamepadKeys.Trigger trigger. triggerName and telemetry are optional parameters that display the boolean value of the trigger on the Driver Station phone's telemetry.


The ButtonReaderclass implements the KeyReader interface. It checks if a button is pressed, released, or is down.

  • ButtonReader(GamepadEx gamepad, GamepadKeys.Button button): Constructs a new Button Reader with a GamepadEx gamepad and a GamepadKeys.Button button.

  • ButtonReader(BooleanSupplier supplier): Constructs a new Button Reader using the value of a boolean supplier instead of a gamepad, which allows reading value states easily without a gamepad.


The ToggleButtonReader class extends ButtonReader and adds the ability to get the status of a toggle. readValue() needs to be run in a loop to get the state of the toggle.

getState() : Gets the toggle value of a button or boolean supplier.

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